Sometimes you may notice that the check engine light is on and the car is shaking. It indicates a real problem with engine parts. And in such situations, you might be thinking why are my check engine lights blinking and the car shaking?
Vehicles are an important part of our daily lives and a vehicle problem can bother us. Few components were found in the car that indicate a problem with the vehicle. Check engine light is also this type of device that is used in modern cars.
This light will shine for a variety of reasons. It will tell you there is a problem, but you won’t know what the problem is without checking things out. There are many possible reasons why the check engine light is on and the car is shaking.
Today our experts at my nice car are suggesting the main reason behind this problem and how you can fix it.
Why Is My Check Engine Light Flashing And Car Shaking?
Before understanding the cause, you need to know what the check engine light is checking for. The Check Engine Light, also known as the Malfunction Indicator Light, is a visual signal that alerts the driver to a possible failure of the vehicle’s engine or transmission.
The main reasons for checking engine light flickering and car shaking are faulty fuel system, faulty ignition coil, bad spark plugs or fuel pump problems, and erratic voltage output problems. If you recently purchased any vehicle, you can do a free car check to verify its engine performance and vehicle repair.history.
No need to worry as we first explain each reason and give you the best solutions to help you diagnose the problem.
1. Faulty Spark plug
The spark plug plays an essential role in the engine. This part helps fuel ignite and transfer to other components within the engine. From there, the car can continue to drive normally.

However, one or more non-sparking plugs can cause the check engine light to flicker and the vehicle to shake. Continuous sparking or no ignition will cause the car to vibrate and the motors will activate the system to warn you.
2. Issue With Catalytic Converter
The other problem may be with your catalytic converter. When your car has a check engine light, it usually means there is a problem with your catalytic converter.
You should notice a difference in your vehicle’s performance. It will not drive as smoothly and may jerk when driving your vehicle.
3. Blocked Fuel Filter
Stepping on the accelerator can lead to engine misfiring which makes the car shake. It mainly occurs when the fuel pressure in the cylinder is insufficient; If the fuel injector is not getting enough fuel, the cylinder will fire due to the wrong air-fuel ratio.
Fuel filters can be serviced; So be sure to change your diesel car every two years or 30,000 miles and if your gas car, after four years or 50,000 miles.
4. Faulty Intake Gasket
A bad intake manifold gasket could also be responsible for your check engine light coming on and your car shaking.

A gasket seals and when it comes to lose you often smell like a coolant leak and an overheated engine. This is a good time to check the seal for a possible replacement.
5. Faulty Engine Sensor
Currently, many car manufacturers are equipped with engine sensors. This department manages all activities and the status of other departments. Like air pressure, and engine oil pressure.
But when this part fails, the power of the engines decreases, and the fuel is significantly consumed, as a result of which the car shakes and the signal lights come on.
How To Fix Engine Light Flashing And Car Shaking
If you’re someone good at working on cars, then start by checking all the major components in your vehicle that could be causing your check engine light to come on and your car to shake.
Check the cylinder, catalytic converter, spark plugs, spark ring, fuel filter, gasket, rear driveshafts, U-joints, axle, air hose, and tires to make sure they are working properly. Some of these components may need to be replaced to keep your car running smoothly on the road.
If not, you can fix a check engine light and car movement by taking your vehicle to a reputable local repair shop that specializes in engine repairs. A motor is a big job and requires experience in handling this machine.

Can You Drive Car When Engine Light Flashing And Car Shaking?
No, it is not recommended to drive your vehicle when the check engine light is flashing. A check engine light is designed to alert you when something is wrong.
Therefore, when the check engine light flashes, it indicates a problem and therefore you should not drive to avoid damaging the engine. This is a sign that the motor is misfiring and may be due to overheating of the motor.
However, if the check engine light is on solid, it indicates a minor engine sensor fault. So you can drive the car, but have it serviced.
FAQ Regarding Check Engine Light Flashing And Car Shaking
Q. 1) Why is my car shaking and my engine light flashing?
Ans. 1) When your car shakes and you see the engine flickering, there is usually a problem with the engine or just a fuel supply problem, an ignition coil failure, an engine sensor failure, or a spark plug failure. If your car is shaking at idle, the problem is likely with an idle air control valve.
Q. 2) Does the check engine light go off by itself?
Ans. 2) A check engine light will turn itself off when the condition that caused it is resolved. So if your converter is marginal and has handled a lot of stops and starts, resulting in high demand on the converter, this may have turned on the check engine light.
Q. 3) Should I keep driving my car if the engine is shaking?
Ans. 3) If you experience persistent shaking in your car, it is best to fix the problem immediately before driving further. Continuing to jog can lead to more part damage, punctured tires, and other costly problems that could be avoided with a quick visit from your mechanic.
Q. 4) Why is my engine light on but nothing seems wrong?
Ans. 4) If nothing seems to behave strangely, it’s probably safe to drive until you can take it to a mechanic. Sometimes the light can come on after refueling if the gas cap is a little loose. Or it could mean your catalytic converter needs to be serviced.
Final Thought
Each engine in a private vehicle plays a specific role in the operation of the car. If a part has a technical defect, the car cannot work normally. So automakers are developing bright warning lights so you can spot problems early.
Hope the above article helped you to find the cause of the engine light flashing and car shaking and take the timely remedy to protect your car safely.